Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Dork, His Daughter and a DeLorean

If you don’t already know, I’m a bit of a car guy.  The collection ranges from almost ordinary to the exotic, and surely includes one or two that would make anyone question the person who would drive it. I’m fortunate that I can share my hobby with our three kids- that now include a 17 year old with a driver’s license burning through his wallet. I’m also pretty lucky to have a wife that lets me get away with all of it.

I decided to push the envelope just a bit more (and since there is still a few open feet left in our driveway)- and get the car that Cherri has always regarded as the ultimate Dork-mobile.

I have dreamed of owning a Delorean long before they were in movies or even for sale.  It was on magazine covers from 1977 when I was 8 years old to its release in 1981. I was 16 in 1985 when Back to the Future turned it into a time machine and immortalized it.

On September 10th, my 9 year old daughter Callie and I are flying to Houston Texas to the Delorean Motor Company (dedicated to servicing & refurbishing the original cars to better than new condition) beginning a Dad/Daughter/Delorean cross country adventure… or as my wife would call it; A Dork, his daughter, and a Delorean.

I’ll be posting pictures and updates all along the way to share with you.  Follow the adventure here.
